Arc CDK 2

Frequently Asked Questions

CDK can only be purchased on our website during the pre-sale or by contacting us directly via the contact form or on Telegram.

The minimum amount is $100.

CDK will be listed after launch on a launchpad, early April 2025. Selected exchanges will be communicated during February.

If you are a big investor, feel free to contact us via our forum or on Telegram. There are benefits depending on the volume of CDK purchased.

CDK will be used for transaction fees on our Blockchain, for rewards and loyalty program for our users.
As a holder, you will be able to stake CDK and get rewards, but also participate in governance and votes.

You can receive your CDKs as soon as you purchase them. There is a lock and vesting period depending on the round you entered.
For more details on the lock periods, you can refer to the whitepaper.

At the moment it is only possible to buy CDK in crypto. Credit card payment will be available in a few days.

You can use any wallet that supports ERC20. However, we recommend using a hard wallet for added security.

First of all, join our Telegram account. We also publish on X. And don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter.